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Kubuś Kurczyna – born 20th of September 2014 - 20 months old in the day of accident.

10th of May 2016 Kubus's brother Dawid was born. Six weeks before the time with breathing problems which is why he has to stay more than month in hospital. Kubus knew that something important happend and was quite interesting in everything new was happening at home. I, his mum, disapearded for few hours each day to spend them in hospital feeding new baby.

On 20th of May curiosity of Kubus went too far and he pulled down on himself a container with boiling water where we were steaming bottles for a new baby. Trivial sayings but so true - it was just a moment/ a second. Do we forgive ourself? I don't know. Do we forget? Never.

The most tragic moments in our and Kubus life. Up to the arrival of an ambulance (15 minutes) according to instructions we poured Kubus a lukewarm water trying to take off his clothes that were coming off with his skin.

Kubus got the best care in the Children's University Hospital in Krakow. He had thermal burns of the chest and abdomen of third degree and face, neck, both upper limps burns of second degree. A total area 37% of the body.

By two weeks he remainded in pharmacological coma, maintained, intubated to change bandages, with 2 skin transplantations of his own. Transplantation required a blood transfusion.

1st of June - one of the worst day after transplantation when fever was developed and CRP went high.

This constant thought, constant anxiety if such a little boy will have enough strengh for a such a big fight.

I couldn't visit him becouse of the risk of transmission of germs from another hospital. Dawid still remained in intensive care at a hospital On the oter side of Krakow Ujastek and Kubus was in Prokocim. Every day I had to be with Dawid the same I couldn't visit Kubus. Too high risk for both boys of catching any infection.

For more that 2 weeks I han't seen my precious Kubus who fought for his life. No word can describe the pain and anguish.

Dad Lukas was with Kubus the entire period of hospitalization, at every possible moment.

On 3rd of June Kubus's condition began to improve from day to day. Up to this happily moment whe he was discharged from the hospital month after the accident. The long waited moment at the end of June. Kubus came home to us and his new brother Dawid.

The whole family breathed with a digh of relief. So happy that he came thorough the worst part.

For us such a great joy buy the same time a fear and anxiety what next with wounds, healing proces and treatment cost

It is obviously that we as a parents will do everything so the scars were the smallest and a least visible. Kubus requires constant care dressings and specialized ointments. He requires as well the purchase of special pressing clothes, which, due to the age of Kubus needs to be sew again as he grows on.

These objectives devote most of the money from the household budget, so we decided to ask for help. Jagoda Foundation from Wroclaw gave us a hope.

Kubus became a charge of the Jagoda Foundation in August 2016 and now with our story we can meet people of good hearts who will support us and Kubus's  long-term recovery.

We want our story was also a warning to other parents, as one second of unguarded  moment even in own house, with the presence of both parents can be a life-changing moment.

Please support voluntary donations for Kubus's treatment.


Payment details:

Fundacja Jagoda im. Jagody Pachota
Czysta 7/7 street

50-013 Wrocław

Account number:
57 1060 0076 0000 3200 0140 9865


Title:  Kubuś Kurczyna - donation for treatment


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